This week we learned about owls.

We made an owl can, have, are chart.
We used our chart to write about owls.
We also dissected owl pellets this week! The kids had a great time, even though some started out very timid. By the end they were digging through it with their hands! I purchased by owl pellets from
I bought the mini owl pellets. You get 20 of them for $19.80. I gave one pellet to each pair of students. They worked as partners and had a lot of fun! The pellets come in the mail very quickly, and are very good. They are filled with bones!
We used toothpicks to pull the fur apart.
We matched the bones we found to the bone chart. This helped keep the kids on track and got them very excited when they could start identifying them.
We wrote about our findings on our observation chart. You can grab the observation chart for free here.
Owls are always fun and I know my kinders went home and told their parents all about the bones they found and what the owls can do, what they are, and what they EAT!