
Wednesday, August 12, 2020

2020-2021 Behavior Calendars

I have been using Behavior Calendars in my classroom for many years now. This resource allows me to communicate to students and to families student daily behavior.
I do not use a clip chart or color chart for behavior that hangs up in the room. I feel that these types of charts only shame the child because everyone else in the class can see their behavior on display. Instead, I use these calendars, which are kept in their daily homework folders, so that I can communicate to student and parent about how the day went. I look at the overall behavior at the end of the day and record it in the behavior calendar. If a student received an uh-oh or sad face they will also receive a conference with me and a note home to their family explaining the behavior. The beauty of this is that students can always turn their day around and make the right choices. They can earn back a mistake, which is what we, as teachers, want anyway!

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