
Monday, December 2, 2019

December Cyber Monday and Tuesday Sale!

I am throwing a HUGE sale today and tomorrow, Dec 2-3! You can get 25% off!
Every file is on sale! Check it out! Click here for the sale!

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Early Number and Counting

Making sure that Kinders have the kind of number sense they need to move onto first grade can be tricky. Some might assume that if they know their standards, then they are ready. In theory, you would be right. I mean, isn't that what the standards are for?

However, there are so many steps that need to happen in order for a child to have true number sense. This chart explains how children will learn numbers and counting. The hard part is, these steps have to happen in order. And if you have a child who is struggling, it is often because he or she is missing a step in the learning progression.

Graham Fletcher has a video that explains all of this in detail. This one isn't on YouTube, so you will have to go to his site to see it, or on Vimeo.

I have heard Deanna Jump's, Deedee Will's, and several other speak about the learning progression in early math. And everyone agrees. We need to teach each step explicitly so that every student has the foundation for math that they deserve. While it might seem like it will take too long, especially if you are following a pacing guide, it is imperative that students have these skills under their belt. As Graham Fletcher says, "It's the tortoise who wins the race." 

 Grab your progression chart here.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

How Big is your Problem?

Teaching little ones how to manage their emotions is HARD! To them, everything is important because it is about them. In my class we are working on identifying our problems so we know what kind of reaction we should have when we get these problems.

I use this chart to help my kiddos visualize how big a problem really is.
While the visual is great, they need to be TAUGHT what is tiny, what is medium, etc. We role play a lot of scenarios that I see in class. That way the lesson is meaningful. Once the lesson is taught, you can have your student refer to the chart when a problem arises. Every class is different, and we all handle our classroom management in our own ways, but here are a few examples of what these levels mean in my class.

1. Tiny might mean you can't find your pencil. It might mean your shoe keeps coming untied. You can handle it.
2. Small might mean you are in a group you don't want to be in or didn't get a turn on the swing.You can handle it.
3. Medium might mean your friend is bothering you, or you don't remember how to spell a certain word. You try to solve the problem yourself.
4. Big might mean someone is calling you names or bullying you. It might mean you lost a pet, or a family member is very sick. You tell an adult.
5. Emergency is, well, an emergency. A lock-down, a fire, earthquake. Or it might mean you really hurt yourself and are bleeding a lot. It might mean someone else is really hurt. It might mean an adult is hurting you or someone you know. You tell an adult right away.

The teaching is what matters. Giving kids the tools to access what problems are and how to react to them is so powerful. Especially when they need to be taught a papercut is not an emergency. 😉

You download this FREE resource here.

Monday, September 2, 2019

Need some Colorful Converse?

Here are some cute cut outs of Converse shoes to use with your Pete the Cat unit! You can have the kids match them, retell the story, do an art project, a writing project, or you can do what I do, which is to have two weeks of the year be color days. Each day the kiddos dress up in a different color and bring something small of that color into the classroom. Then, we discuss the color and put it in our Color Chart. I have a color chart for every color and the header is the Converse shoe. We make up silly stories about what we could have stepped in. The kids love it!

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Environmental Print

Here are some FREE Environmental Print Cards! I like to have these on hand as an alternative to other alphabet charts. The kids love talking about how they have been to these places, or know what it means, and if it gets them excited then I am excited!

Saturday, August 10, 2019

IRLA 1G I Love My Green Words!

I have been using IRLA (Independent Reading Level Assessment) for two years now. I really enjoy it because it makes sense to me. It helps me teach kids at their own level. Yet, I had one problem. How can I both allow students to go off independently, but also ensure that every student is getting exposure to all of the sight words (power words)?

I got to thinking about when I taught in California and the amazing program we used for Dolch words. Why not apply it to IRLA? That's what I have done. This is a program that will work within the levels of IRLA sight words ("Power Word" is copyrighted......), but make sure that every child gets exposure.

With IRLA 1G I Love My Green Words I will introduce 5 words every week. Does it matter if the student already knows them? No! I have every child learn with me because I want to ensure the exposure is more than just memorization. By learning with me students will remember how to spell the word, use it more freely in writing because of familiarity, and help each other practice.

Right now I only have the green words available, but will have the 1B I Love My Blue Words in a month or so. Keep an eye out! Also, as a bonus, there are word wall words that are color coded. This helps me use the word wall more efficiently because I can refer kids to green words if they need to practice at that level.

Oh, and why am I calling it I Love My Green Words? Because I can sing it to my class of course!😎

IRLA 1G I Love My Green Words!

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Back to School Sale! 25%!!!

Hi everyone! Teachers Pay Teachers is throwing a HUGE 

Back to School Sale

This includes all Colors and Kindergarten products! And I have some new stuff for you to check out!

Number Formation Rhymes (FREEBIE!)

Fun freebie! These letter formation rhymes can be used in so many ways. I use them as carpet cards (read on the rug) and as tracing mats when we practice number writing and identification. They are also great posters.

My Kindergarten Calendars

 My Kindergarten Calendars is a great tool to use at the beginning of every month. Students will write the numbers on the calendar and each month gets progressively harder!

2019-2020 Behavior Calendars

 I swear by these calendars. I don't know what I would do without them. If you have used them before you know how these give you and parents an easy communication about student behavior. I honestly believe every child should be held accountable for their behavior and by using these calendars each month every child in the class takes home a behavior report each day. Just put them in their folders and let them work their wonders! No clip charts, no inconsistent methods. These calendars take 5 minutes at the end of the day and save so much grief the rest of it. 

 ABC Cards Big and Small!

My new ABC cards are great for many different uses in the classroom. You can use the large cards for whole group practice or posters. You can use the medium cards for small group or partner instruction. And you can use the small cards for individual instruction or partner practice. These cards are also handy for parent helpers because it tells the parent exactly how to read the card so they can be consistent!

If you have already started the school year, God Bless You! If you have a little while left to go, stock up and get ready. Back to School is coming fast. 

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Number Formation Rhymes FREEBIE!

New number formation posters! I am always using rhymes to help kiddos remember how to form numbers and letters correctly. Here is a new freebie that shows students how to form the number and helps the teacher remember the rhyme that goes with it. Enjoy!

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Subtraction Stories

I'm Back! Yaaaay! Wow, I have seriously been caught up in too much stuff that takes away from what I like to do: teach! I know I am not the only one who gets caught up in the business part of school and it takes away from WHY we are there: the kids.

Okay, enough of that, let's talk subtraction. I have been trying to think about how I can teach subtraction in a new way, one that is different than addition so I can keep it fresh.

My idea, teaching through stories. There are so many subtraction stories and it is my hope I can teach the concept of subtraction while instilling critical thinking and allowing students to see how addition is the opposite of subtraction.

These are the stories I will be using during my unit, starting with Pete the Cat.

And, as a bonus, I thought I would put up my Pete the Cat Groovy Button Board. Enjoy the FREEBIE!