
Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Subtraction Stories

I'm Back! Yaaaay! Wow, I have seriously been caught up in too much stuff that takes away from what I like to do: teach! I know I am not the only one who gets caught up in the business part of school and it takes away from WHY we are there: the kids.

Okay, enough of that, let's talk subtraction. I have been trying to think about how I can teach subtraction in a new way, one that is different than addition so I can keep it fresh.

My idea, teaching through stories. There are so many subtraction stories and it is my hope I can teach the concept of subtraction while instilling critical thinking and allowing students to see how addition is the opposite of subtraction.

These are the stories I will be using during my unit, starting with Pete the Cat.

And, as a bonus, I thought I would put up my Pete the Cat Groovy Button Board. Enjoy the FREEBIE!

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