
Saturday, September 12, 2020

The Schedule

* UPDATE! I had a parent tell me that my schedule was not clear. I took a look at it, and thought that I might need to add when to login to Zoom and what is NOT on Zoom. Below is the updated version. 

 Alright. It is getting really real, really quick. I know we are some of the very last to start school,  but we have been preparing for a month! Tech is up, apps are on, families are connected, and the real work begins this week. I am excited to try something new, nervous about how it will go, and anxious about how to maintain it. 

We are missing a crucial part of school: socialization. And everything I have been working toward has been to highlight relationships amongst my Kinders. How? Through play, through Zoom, through family connection. My schedule will allow time for Play Workshop, which I am super grateful for. Here is a look at my schedule:

Just a reminder, this is only for the week of September 21-25. Things will get a little (lot?) more intense after that. I will begin whole group and small group meets. My goal for the kids to get the hang of signing-in to Clever and then signing in to Zoom through Clever. Take a look: 

When we get to the point of logging in like champs, I will start adding more times to log in. I will be running a whole group Zoom Community Circle, a whole group Play Workshop with breakout rooms, Small Group Phonics and Math, and an end of the day Community Circle/Review. 

Who knows? This whole thing could bomb and I will have to start from scratch. All we can do it try!